Monday, March 3, 2008



-children books/ movies
-learning lifestyle
-hidden message/ secret meaning

Authors argument:

Christensen argues that the media greatly impacts and effects the minds of children and what they see and learn from the media change how children view others. He feels similar to how Carlson felt along the lines that he thinks we need to change how the media portrays people but it might not be very realistic at times.


- "Our society's culture industry colonizes their minds and teaches them how to act, live, and dream." this quote is a great quote to see what Christensen is trying to get through from this piece. It demonstrates how much he feels the media impacts our children and their outlook on the world.
-"Although these stories are supposed to merely entertain us, they constantly give us a secret education.”
-"But I want students to understand that if the race of the character is the only thing changing, injustices may still remain."


As both a child and now as a teenager, i have ALWAYS! loved DISNEY movies and TV shows. This makes it very difficult to fully agree with what Christensen. There is so much i think she is looking to deeply into, also she keeps making exceptions for the princess and characers in TV shows tht arent white like saying "...I show a Popey cartoon, "Ali Baba and the 40 Theives," that depicts all Arabs with the same face, same turban, same body,--and they are all thieves swinging enormous swords." She is making an exception to the fact that there is a Arab Disney Princess. There is also Pocohontis, Mulan, Jasmin, Ariel, SnowWhite, Arorah, Bell, Cinderella just to name a few, and they al have different traits like poor white girls and rich arabian girls that all have a different meaning behind the story. But i do agree that the media does afftect the way that children percive the world and demonstrate the culture of power.


Meg said...

thanks so much for your support, I really appreciate it. Yeah, it made me so mad when I found out and I just thought it was really ironic that we had been talking about the same thing in class a few days before, thats why I posted it. But thanks again, see you in class on tuesday :)


Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

Great connections to Carlson here. After talking about these issues in class, are you any more open to Christensen's ideas about the secret education? Remember, pleasure and critique are not mutually exclusive. You can love Disney and critique it too. :)